Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Lifestyle Behaviors in Children with Obesity [COVID-19 and Physical Activity Series]

The Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Lifestyle Behaviors in Children with Obesity Living in Verona, Italy by Dr. Angelo Pietrobelli and co-authors is a longitudinal study of trends in lifestyle behaviors among children confined to their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Previous studies have found more rapid weight gain in children during summer vacations, without the structure and routine around mealtimes, physical activity, and sleep schedule provided by school environments.  Dr. Pietrobelli and co-authors hypothesize that factors contributing to weight gain in children with overweight and obesity are exacerbated during a pandemic-associated lockdown.  Interviews were conducted with 41 parents at baseline (May-July 2019) and three weeks after the quarantine began on March 10, 2020.  They were asked 12 questions about their children’s lifestyle behaviors, including sports activity participation, screen time, sleep behavior, and eating habits.  The results revealed that children spent 2.30 (-2.30±4.60 hrs/week, p=0.003) fewer hours per week on sports activities, where any physical activity (e.g., jogging, playing in the backyard, etc.) was considered sports during the lockdown.  Children also spent 4.85 (4.85±2.40 hrs/day, p<0.001) more hours per day on screen time, slept .65 (0.65±1.29 hrs/day, p=0.003) more hours per day, and drank .50 (0.50±1.08 #/day, p=.005) more sugary drinks per day.  Dr. Pietrobelli and co-authors conclude that there is a critical need for preventive measures during periods of lockdown, including telemedicine lifestyle programs, supplemental guidance for families by clinicians to maintain healthy lifestyle choices, and exercise programs that minimize viral transmission.  The tragic COVID-19 pandemic has collateral effects extending beyond those of direct viral infection. Children and adolescents struggling with obesity are placed in an unfortunate position of isolation that appears to create an unfavorable environment for maintaining healthy lifestyle behaviors.

Pietrobelli, A., Pecoraro, L., Ferruzzi, A., Heo, M., Faith, M., Zoller, T., ... & Heymsfield, S. B. (2020). Effects of COVID‐19 Lockdown on Lifestyle Behaviors in Children with Obesity Living in Verona, Italy: A Longitudinal Study. Obesity.


Physical Activity for Immunity Protection [COVID-19 and Physical Activity Series]


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