Feeling Amazing Through Movement - Zing! [Podcast Series]

  • [:55] Dr. Bantham introduces her guest, Michele Levy

    • Michele Levy is Founder of Zing!  

    • She is also a certified fitness instructor, personal trainer, and youth exercise specialist.

  • [1:18] Zing! inspiration

    • “And it's really been a wonderful thing to see kids smiling and moving their bodies, whether it's behind a computer or their school or in the park. And they're really leaned into the fact that fitness and wellness is cool. I think it's of the moment where parents are getting a Peloton and they're doing things at home. Their kids see parents exercising, they know what's good for them. They know it's important. And they're open to hearing fun ways to bring it into their lives.”

  • [7:12] Physical activity and mental health

    • “And we see kids really lighting up when they get to learn how to just move and feel okay. And all of our instructors that we have, they know that we are here to create a safe space. Kids talk to them, open up to them as a safe mentor, as a friend, as a coach.”

  • [10:49] Role of positive affirmations

    • “It's cool, they get it, they see that their energy shifts when they start to talk to them positively. And It really is incredible. Because you can see the difference in how they came in the room to just 10 minutes later, when they get to say I'm a rock star in unison with other people. It's almost like that feeling when you go to a group exercise class, and everyone’s in unison together...”

  • [16:41] Making it fun

    • “I will say when we're teaching classes, if a child does not want to participate, I will tell them, I'm not going to force you to do this. But we do ask that you just sit on the side so I can see you and when you're ready to join back in, and almost every single time they'll join back in because they see their friends having fun.”

  • [20:43] Programming ideas

    • “I actually look at what's going on in the world, like the calendar of things. So for example, we have superhero week, because this Thursday is National Superhero Day. So I keep track of all those kind of special dates and use that to help guide.”

  • [24:46] Reaching at-risk children

    • “I've noticed that when we work with maybe at-risk children or in communities where they might not have certain things that they just don't even know how to stand up properly, like they're all hunching. And really teaching them that movement is a way for them to feel strong and empowered, no matter what, like that is something that I rang true, because you might not have all the resources that other people have, but you have you and you have your body and you have your mind.”

  • [28:55] Meeting the needs of school communities

    • “But that's just what today's kids and schools need. They need a little bit more structure, but a lot more creative play around movement and wellness. I'm just thrilled that we get to help people. As I said, if I want to work my butt off, I want to be doing it for a purpose. And the fact that I get to see people's faces light up every single day is, is wonderful.”


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